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- last updated October 12, 1994
- /* **************************** *
- * *
- * V x F T P *
- * beta *
- * *
- * by Howard T. Hyten *
- * hhyten@mail.utexas.edu *
- * *
- * Multi-threaded FTP for OS/2 *
- * *
- * **************************** */
- ==> Since VxFTP includes no HELP system at this time, YOU SHOULD
- ==> If nothing else, try using the right mouse button a lot. :)
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Execute INSTALL.EXE to install VxFTP properly. The install process
- will add VROBJ.DLL to your OS2\DLL directory and RXFTP.DLL to your
- TCPIP\DLL directory. It will also create a VxFTP program object on
- your Desktop.
- Requirements: You must have IBM TCP/IP for OS/2, either 1.2.1 or 2.x,
- installed on your machine.
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- If you'd like notification of updates to VxFTP, send mail to
- hhyten@mail.utexas.edu to add you to the Update mailing list.
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Multiple Threads:
- -----------------
- VxFTP is multi-threaded, thanks to the multi-threading capabilities of
- Watcom's VX-REXX on top of which VxFTP is built. Multi-threading makes
- the application more responsive to the user. Since it is founded on REXX,
- VxFTP would be unbearably slow if all tasks were obliged to follow one
- another sequentially. Basically, VxFTP uses two threads, one for local
- disk access and updating the user interface, and another that talks to the
- remote host. Thus, if you've changed to another directory remotely and
- are waiting for the directory contents to be downloaded, you can still
- affect changes on the local file side.
- ===============
- Start VxFTP as you would any other OS/2 PM application, either from the
- command line or by double-clicking its object somewhere on the desktop.
- (The installation program creates a WorkPlace Shell object for you.)
- Once VxFTP loads, a dialog box appears for you to enter the remote host's
- name (or IP address), the logon account and password you want to use, and,
- optionally, the directory on the remote host you want to change to upon
- logging in.
- You can also provide command-line parameters in the form of:
- vxftp host userid [password] [directory]
- For example, to log into kelly with my account and change to my docs directory:
- vxftp kelly.utexas.edu hhyten secrets docs
- Anonymous FTPs:
- --------------
- Clicking on the "Anonymous FTP" check-box in the login dialog box will fill
- in "anonymous" and an Internet email address in the login and password fields,
- respectively. You can modify the email address in the Settings notebook. For
- example, to log into ftp.cdrom.com anonymously, you would type:
- vxftp ftp.cdrom.com anonymous
- or
- vxftp ftp.cdrom.com anon
- ("Anonymous" can be abbreviated to "anon".)
- Transferring Files:
- ---------------
- To PUT or GET files, you can select one or multiple files, and click the
- "Put" or "Get" button. VxFTP will then transfer the file(s) you've
- selected. You can also transmit files by selecting them and right-mouse-
- clicking for a pop-up menu. (Since these interface elements are lists,
- and *not* containers, you must first select a file or directory (or
- Shift-Click or Ctrl-Click) before obtaining a pop-up menu.
- Right-mouse Button:
- -------------------
- To operate on remote or local files or directories (that is, to rename,
- get, put, delete, or view), use the right-mouse button after selecting the
- files or directories you want (again, these are lists, not containers, so
- you must select the files or directories first). Choose the operation
- you desire from the pop-up menu.
- Managing File Archives:
- -----------------------
- On the local side, the selection "Unzip" allows you to unzip a ZIP archive,
- provided you have InfoZIP's unzip.exe or PKZIp's PKUnzip.exe in your path.
- You can also start an executable or command/batch file from VxFTP by
- choosing "Execute". Use "View" to view a text file in a viewer. (On the
- remote side, you can also download a text file to view in the viewer.)
- If you specify a /K parameter in the COMSPEC statement in your CONFIG.SYS,
- the Unzip and Execute functions will work only if you start VxFTP from the
- command line. If you want these functions to work after launching from the
- Desktop, remove the parameter in your CONFIG.SYS and place it in the "OS/2
- Window" and "OS/2 Full Screen" objects' parameter line.
- Recognizing Hosts:
- -----------------
- With release 0.40, VxFTP can display listings from most UNIX hosts (though
- ftp.nmsu.edu is problematic), other PCs running IBM's TCP/IP for OS/2,
- Macintoshes running FTPd, DEC VMS, and IBM VM. VxFTP supports any
- platform that provides a 'standard' UNIX file listing. I believe this
- covers 95% of the platforms in general use.
- If you log onto a host and don't receive a file and directory listing,
- check first that VxFTP correctly detected the OS of the remote system.
- Go to "Remote" - "System Type". Choose the operating system of the
- remote host and click "Remote" - "Refresh Lists". If choosing an OS from
- the menu still doesn't make files appear in the lists, use the "Remote" -
- "Long Dir Listing" to view what VxFTP downloaded from the host and
- was not able to interpret. You can use the information in the long-style
- listing to navigate around the remote file system.
- Directory Contents Cache
- -----------------------
- Version 0.42 adds a directory cache where VxFTP stores the contents
- of the remote site's directory listings (the default behaviour). You can
- disable caching by using the Notebook Settings page, "Cache". You can
- also control how many directories to cache (up to 15, default 10) and
- how long to cache them before refreshing (up to an hour, default 30
- minutes). You can also browse the cached directories by using the
- "View Cached Dirs" menu under "Remote". A non-modal box appears
- from which you can choose directories.
- These features should substantially enhance performance on SLIP and
- PPP connections, as well as other slow links.
- In the works:
- -------------
- VxFTP v0.4x is still a beta. There are still several user options I want
- to add to the Settings Notebook.
- Yes, I know it'd be great if VxFTP provided some indication
- as to a file transfer's progress. Like most things IBM, the
- OS/2 FTP API is "non-standard" enough that it does *NOT*
- support getting information on the amount of data being
- transmitted. It also does *NOT* provide the text or numeric
- codes typical to FTP command conversations. Sorry.
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- VxFTP is built on top of IBM's RXFTP REXX extensions (by Patrick Mueller)
- and using Watcom's excellent, multithreading VX-REXX.
- VxFTP.EXE is FREEWARE, not SHAREWARE. This means that the executable is
- under my copyright, but users may freely distribute and share it without
- having to think of giving me a dime. (A postcard would be great though!)
- When you distribute this program, you must include this readme.
- Commercial distribution and/or use is prohibited without written consent from
- the author, except in cases where a collection of shareware, freeware, or
- public domain programs is compiled on CD-ROM, such as the Walnut Creek
- CD-ROM. This exception does not cover diskettes, as in ones included with
- books. Because the program is licensed free of charge, there is no
- warranty for the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except
- when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holder provides
- the program "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or
- implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
- merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to
- the quality and performance of the program is with you, the user. Should the
- program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing,
- repair, or correction.
- hhyten@mail.utexas.edu
- Howard T. Hyten
- 1200 Barton Hill Drive #222
- Austin, TX 78704-1910